The Nest
IMDB information:
Title: The Nest (2021)
Genres: Drama, Horror, Mystery
Description: Beth (Sarah Navratil), Jack (Kevin Patrick Murphy) and their young daughter Meg (Maple Suttles) are a loving but struggling family who have recently relocated to a deceased family member’s home due to Beth’s past drug addiction which has left deep emotional and financial strains on her marriage and cost her a beloved teaching job. After Meg suffers a traumatic accident and develops extreme separation anxiety to her mom, Beth and Jack grow even more estranged. One thing they do agree upon though is that Meg needs more help than her school counselor Ash (Drez Ryan) can provide. As Meg’s behavior becomes more erratic and her attachment to her stuffed bear Ricky and her mom grows, Beth begins to suspect that something more sinister is happening within her family. When Jack and their family friend Marisa (Dee Wallace) begin to exhibit signs of attachment to Meg and also to one another, Beth’s concerns become increasingly paranoid. Beth is haunted by nightmarish visions of parasitic creatures that threaten to engulf her family and her sanity. Beth is soon thrust into a world of emotional dependency and horror as the people she loves and trusts most push her into a chasm of drug addiction, self-destruction, and maternal sacrifice.
Director: James Suttles
Writer: Jennifer Trudrung
Actors: Dee Wallace, Sarah Navratil, Maple Suttles
Rating: 3.6
Votes: 519
Rated: N/A
Runtime: 100 min
mp4 | 958.08 MB | 1280×566
01:44:21 | avc1
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