General:Name: Visual Culture Approaches to the SelfieFormat: pdfSize: 13.5 MB Book:Title: Visual Culture Approaches to the Selfie; 1Author: Murray Derek ConradLanguage: ..
General:Name: DK The Visual EncyclopediaFormat: pdfSize: 157.32 MB Book:Title: The Visual EncyclopediaAuthor: DKLanguage: N/AYear: N/ASubjects: N/APublisher: N/AISBN: ..
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General:Name: Philosophy – A Visual EncyclopediaFormat: pdfSize: 114.09 MB Book:Title: PhilosophyAuthor: DKLanguage: N/AYear: N/ASubjects: N/APublisher: N/AISBN: ..
General:Name: Space – Visual EncyclopediaFormat: pdfSize: 76.13 MB Book:Title: Space Visual EncyclopediaAuthor: DKLanguage: N/AYear: N/ASubjects: N/APublisher: ..
General:Name: Space a Visual Encyclopedia (Visual Encyclopedia), New EditionFormat: pdfSize: 86.42 MB Book:Title: Space a Visual EncyclopediaAuthor: DKLanguage: ..
General:Name: The Civil War Visual EncyclopediaFormat: pdfSize: 82 MB Book:Title: The Civil War Visual EncyclopediaAuthor: DKLanguage: EnglishYear: 2021Subjects: ..