Suburban Girl
IMDB information:
Title: Suburban Girl (2007)
Genres: Comedy, Drama, Romance
Description: Brett, a young woman from the suburbs, is an associate editor at a small New York publishing house hoping for a promotion. One day, she first meets literary lion Archie Knox, who’s 50 and shows interest in her; then gets a new boss, a dolly-dolly Brit. Brett is soon dating Archie, then moves in with him. He’s charming, attentive, and gives advice. He also has a history–ex-wives, a distant daughter, a couple of diseases, and a photo album of former girlfriends. It’s no fairy tale: family issues (and more) intervene, and Brett faces decisions. Meanwhile, she’s working with a writer who fears peanut butter sticking to the roof of his mouth. Is Archie dinner, an hors d’oeuvre, or a peanut-butter sandwich?
Actors: Sarah Michelle Gellar, Alec Baldwin, Maggie Grace
Writer: Marc Klein, Melissa Bank
Director: Marc Klein
Rating: 5.4
Rated: PG-13
Languages: English, French
mp4 | 894.89 MB | 1280×692
01:37:29 | avc1
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