COVID-19 and the Future of Capitalism: Postcapitalist Horizons Beyond Neo-LiberalismEnglish | 73 pages | pdf | 91.73 MB Description:COVID-19 may be an historical ..
Climbing Washington’s MountainsEnglish | 447 pages | epub | 25.95 MB Description:This select guide includes detailed, easy to follow directions to climbing ..
Gears and GodEnglish | 221 pages | pdf, epub | 5.84 MB Description:A revealing study of the connections between nineteenth-century technological fiction and American ..
Being Online Description:A pioneer of cloud computing and big data offers his vision of the future world taking shape around us. Big data, cloud computing, the mobile ..
Zen and the Art of Saving the Planet Description:"When you wake up and you see that the Earth is not just the environment, the Earth is us, you touch the nature ..
Plant-Based Comfort Food Classics Description:Plant-Based Comfort Food Classics contains only the best selection of amazingly tasty recipes that will make your family ..
Dear Mark TwainEnglish | 316 pages | epub | 8.02 MB Description:A voracious pack-rat, Mark Twain hoarded his readers’ letters as did few of his contemporaries. ..