Christmas Land
IMDB information:
Title: Christmas Land (2015)
Genres: Comedy, Drama, Family, Romance
Description: Jules Cooper is a successful New York businesswoman who seemingly has everything: a rapidly growing career in marketing and a handsome boyfriend named Mitchell. Jules soon learns her beloved late Grandmother Glinda has left her ‘Christmas Land’, a magical Christmas-themed village and Christmas tree farm in the countryside. Much of Jules’s favorite childhood memories revolve around Christmas Land and the holiday’s her family spent there in her youth. Upon arriving in Christmas Land to claim the property, she meets handsome and charming Tucker Barnes, the lawyer handling the estate. Christmas Land has seen better days since Glinda’s tragic passing and Jules is forced to make many complicated decisions. Should she sell Christmas Land to real estate tycoon Mason Richards and get back to her busy city life? Or should she stay and bring Christmas Land back to its former glory? With decisions to be made in both life and love, this Christmas for Jules is sure to be both interesting…and magical.
Director: Sam Irvin
Writer: Daisy MacLean, Robin Archer, Jay Cipriani
Actors: Nikki Deloach, Luke Macfarlane, Maureen McCormick, Cynthia Gibb
Rating: 5.9
Votes: 2172
Rated: TV-G
Runtime: 84 min
mp4 | 1.58 GB | 1920×1072
01:25:33 | avc1
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