Name: British Chess Magazine November 2021
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Title: British Chess Magazine: November 2015
Author: Ian Kingston
Language: English
Year: 2015
Publisher: British Chess Magazine Ltd.; 1st edition
Total pages: 66
The British Chess Magazine is the world’s oldest chess journal, having been published continuously since 1881. It appears every month, and each issue is packed with in depth and informative content about the chess world. You will find high quality games and analysis, reports on recent tournaments, articles and analysis about chess openings, interviews, authoritative and independent book reviews, instructional articles and regular features on chess problems and endgame studies. Articles about famous players of today and from the past reveal the game’s greatest talents and rich history.
The British Chess Magazine has a unique focus on the British chess scene, and collaborates with the English Chess Federation, while also covering major chess news and events on the international scene.
The British Chess Magazine caters for players of all ages and strengths, from beginners to master players, and features both men’s and women’s chess. Subscription to the British Chess Magazine will help every reader improve their play and results, and you can check your progress by playing through our monthly “Test Your Chess” feature written by our own International Master Shaun Taulbut, a member of our editorial team. You can also sharpen and test your attacking skills by enjoying our monthly “Spot the Continuation” feature.
You can find out where to go to buy chess books and equipment. And great pictures bring The British Chess Magazine to colourful life!
All in all, the British Chess Magazine is a must read and the best choice for chess players and enthusiasts of all ages and abilities – and makes a great present for any player whatever his or her age or standard of play.
Contents of the November 2015 issue:
Endgame Studies 564
Problem World 566
Games Department 568
Quotes and Queries 572
Forgotten Masters: Fred Reinfeld – Part 4 573
Fischer Knew the Game 574
The Shock of the New 576
Endgames for Experts 581
Training with the Chinese 585
The Adam Raoof Interview 587
Double Exchange Sacrifices: Part 3 589
Hacktive Chess 589
Practical Play 592
A Reality Show, You Know! 593
Book Reviews 596
Chess Questions Answered 599
Test Your Chess 602
News from the British Isles 606
News from Abroad 607
An Evans Antidote That’s ‘ Not Hell to Learn 608
FIDE World Cup 2015 611
Openings for Amateurs 613