IMDB information:
Title: Audible (2021)
Genres: Documentary, Short, Sport
Description: Audible is a cinematic and immersive coming of age film, documenting the journey of Maryland School for the Deaf high school athlete Amaree McKenstry-Hall. Amaree and his closest friends face the pressures of senior year while grappling with the realities of venturing off into a hearing world. They take out their frustrations on the football field as they battle to protect an unprecedented winning streak, while coming to terms with the tragic loss of a close friend. This is a story about kids who stand up to adversity and demand to be heard. They face conflict, but approach the future with hope – shouting to the world that they exist and they matter.
Actors: Amaree McKenstry-Hall
Writer: N/A
Director: Matthew Ogens
Rating: 6.7
Rated: PG-13
Languages: English, American Sign
mkv | 1.74 GB | 3840×2160
00:38:55 | V_MPEGH/ISO/HEVC
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