Name: A dictionary of female occupations Women’s employment from 1840-1950
Format: epub
Size: 5.04 MB
Title: A Dictionary of Female Occupations
Author: Margaret Ward
Year: 2011
Subjects: occupations, female, women, girls, jobs, dictionary, employment, work, history, social, genealogy, war, feminist, feminine, career, landgirls, land girls, 19th century, 20th century
Publisher: Andrews UK Limited
Total pages: N/A
This is a carefully researched A-Z of women’s employment, covering over 100 years of change. The entries themselves are based on an encyclopaedic approach, each full of interest and information, as they chart the steadily evolving status of women and the career opportunities open to them. Early occupations considered socially suitable included nurse, fisherwoman, barmaid and stone picker. The decline of domestic service and the effect of two World Wars, gave way to the modern era of access for women to all categories and ranks of employment from accountants and jet pilots, to diplomats and directors of industry. A Dictionary of Female Occupations is aimed at genealogists and family historians, and contains over 300 entries. Each of these has some explanation of what the job entailed, the historical setting, and examples or stories of women who were involved with it.